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Showing posts with the label intensive driving course

KISS Driving Instructor Blair Dixon in Farnborough, Hampshire - Liam

This is Liam who took a 21 hour intensive course  with instructor Blair and passed with only 2 driving faults. Congratulations from everyone at KISS . Wishing you safe driving for the future.  

KISS Driving Instructor Rob in Ruislip, Middlesex - Andy

This is Andy who passed his test on the first attempt after taking an intensive course with Instructor Rob . Good luck and happy motoring from all at KISS DrivingSchool . #kissdrivingschool  

KISS Driving Instructor Zuzana in Reading, Berkshire - Sophie

Fantastic result for Sophie at Reading test Center with Kiss Driving Instructor, Zuzana ! Well done 👏 with only three driver faults! Sophie has traveled all the way from London to do intensive few days before her driving test in Reading , Sophie work ethic and determination paid off. Wishing you safe driving for life from everyone at KISS Driving School . 🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️  

KISS Driving Instructor Zuzana in Reading, Berkshire - Cohen

Amazing results for Cohen in Reading test centre. First time attempt with instructor  Zuzana . Well done Cohen. He booked a semi-intensive course with Zuzana before his driving test as his previous instructor from another driving school had let him down Passing with flying colours on this rainy day with only 3 driver faults. Hard work pays off. Wishing you safe driving for life from everyone at KISS Driving School .  

KISS Driving Instructor Bob Baker in Fulham, London - Luke

A great way to finish a 33 hour automatic intensive course , with a first time pass at the Tolworth DTC. This is Luke who was taught to drive by KISS Instructor Bob Baker . Everyone at KISS Driving School wishes you safe driving for life. Excellent result Luke and Bob.  

KISS Driving Instructor Zuzana in Reading, Berkshire - Ezra

This is Ezra who learnt to drive in Reading and has just passed her driving test at Reading driving test centre. Ezra got just one driving fault after learning to drive in just eight weeks after being let down by another instructor from another driving school. With her KISS instructor Zuzana , they completed an intensive driving course that had to fit around Ezra's busy schedule. Watch out for those mini's Ezra, they can sneak up on you at any time!!  

KISS Driving Instructor Lesley Walker in Bagshot, Surrey - Louisa

This is Louisa, the first pass of 2024 for  instructor Lesley . Great 1st time pass in Basingstoke with just a few driving faults after completing a 28 hour intensive course with Lesley. Congratulations and safe driving from everyone at KISS Driving School .  

KISS Driving Instructor Lesley Walker in Bagshot, Surrey - Thomas

This is Thomas passing his driving test in Farnborough with just 4 driving faults after completing a 28 hour intensive course with instructor Lesley . Congratulations and safe driving from Lesley and all at KISS Driving School . 👏👏

KISS Driving Instructor Blair Dixon in Farnborough, Hampshire - Kelsey

Kelsey passed her test with only two minor faults after taking a 43 hour  intensive course with driving instructor Blair . Congratulations from Blair and everyone at KISS Driving School .  

KISS Driving Instructor Blair Dixon in Farnborough, Hampshire - Oliver

Oliver passed first time with one driving fault after taking an 18 intensive course with KISS driving instructor Blair . Congratulations from Blair and everyone at KISS .  

KISS Driving Instructor Lesley Walker in Bagshot, Surrey - Isabella

This is Isabella, who passed her driving test on her first attempt with just 4 driving faults in Farnborough after completing a 28hr intensive course with instructor Lesley . Congratulations and safe driving from Lesley and all at KISS Driving School .👏👏  

KISS Driving Instructor Rob in Ruislip, Middlesex - Chloe

Well done to Chloe for passing her test at Farnborough with only 4 driver faults after doing a 33 hour intensive course . Safe driving from instructor Rob and everyone at KISS Driving School .  

KISS Driving Instructor Lesley Walker in Bagshot, Surrey - Emma

Emma passed her test in Basingstoke on her first attempt after completing a 28hr intensive course with just 1 driving fault. Congratulations and safe driving from instructor Lesley and all at KISS Driving School . 👏👏  

KISS Driving Instructor Blair Dixon in Farnborough, Hampshire - Libby

Libby passed her driving test on the 2nd attempt at Farnborough test centre after taking a KISS intensive course with instructor Blair Dixon . Congratulations from Blair and everyone at KISS .  

KISS Driving Instructor Bob Baker in Fulham, London - Kye

Kye passed his test at the Mitcham test centre after taking an intensive course with instructor Bob Baker . Congratulations from Bob and all the team at KISS Driving School .  

KISS Driving Instructor Lesley Walker in Bagshot, Surrey - Phil

This is Phil who passed his driving test in Basingstoke with an amazing Zero faults after completing a 28hr intensive course with instructor Lesley . Congratulations, great performance. Wishing you safe driving from Lesley and all at KISS Driving School .👏👏  

KISS Driving Instructor Bob Baker in Fulham, London - Lewis

This is Lewis, who took a 28 hour manual KISS Intensive course with instructor Bob Baker . Lewis passed with just 3 driving faults at the Morden DVSA test centre. A great result for Lewis and Bob. Congratulations from all the team at KISS Driving School . Enjoy the freedom, we wish you safe driving for life.  

KISS Driving Instructor Bob Baker in Fulham, London - Sam

This is Sam after passing his test at Farnborough. Sam took a 33 hour KISS manual intensive course with KISS instructor Bob . We wish Sam a huge congratulations on a well deserved pass 😊 from all the team at KISS Driving School and his instructor Bob ! Way to go Sam.  

KISS Driving Instructor Lesley Walker in Bagshot, Surrey - Elinor

This is Elinor who was the second 1st time pass of the day on the 23rd February 2023 for instructor Lesley . Elinor had a fantastic drive and just 3 driving faults after completing a 33hr intensive course with Lesley. Congratulations and safe driving from Lesley and all at KISS Driving School .👏👏  

KISS Driving Instructor Tony Wood in Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire - Charo

This young lady is Charo who passed her driving test at the Bishops Stortford test centre. Charo took a KISS Intensive course with Tony Wood our Instructor in Bishops Stortford. Huge Congratulations to Charo from Tony and all the team at KISS . We wish you safe driving for life.