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Showing posts with the label driving instructor in morden

KISS Driving Instructor Amanda Jackson in Morden, Surrey - Ruby

This was the 1st time that instructor Amanda's new car was on test and of course her pupil passed!!..a HUGE Congratulations to Ruby from Carshalton Beeches on passing 1st time at Morden DTC with just 3 minor driver faults. Amanda said that she couldn't be more pleased with this one so very well deserved. Well done Ruby from everyone at KISS Driving School . 👏 👍 😀  

KISS Driving Instructor Amanda Jackson in Morden, Surrey - Kayti

Congratulations to Kayti from Sutton proudly holding her pass certificate after passing 1st time at the Morden DTC with just 4 minors. Kayti was taught by Instructor Amanda . She was originally due to go on test in May, but her driving was so good and she picked up everything so easily that they decided and managed to bring her test forward! Amazing result Kayti, hope u r out celebrating 🥳🎉🎉  

KISS Driving Instructor Amanda Jackson in Morden, Surrey - Amir

Massive congratulations to Amir from Carshalton passing 1st time at the Morden DTC with just 3 driver faults. Instructor Amanda taught Amir's Mum to drive a number of years ago, and happy to say she also passed 1st time. CONGRATULATIONS again Amir u have worked so hard so very well deserved 🎉  

KISS Driving Instructor Amanda Jackson in Morden, Surrey - Runa

A huge congratulations to Runa from Wallington passing 1st time at the Morden DTC with just 5 driver faults. It was a smooth confident drive considering the roads were a little manic due to the Christmas rush...but Runa got the best Christmas present..a Full License 🥳🥳 Well done again from KISS instructor Amanda !!  

KISS Driving Instructor Amanda Jackson in Morden, Surrey - Narciso

And here we have Narciso from Sutton looking pretty pleased with himself after passing at the Morden DTC with just 1 minor driver fault. Narciso was already a fully qualified driver back in his home country of Brazil but of course needed to learn our roads/rules and of course driving on the left side 😬 so he could pass a UK test...and what a drive it was...Congratulations from KISS Driving Instructor Amanda - so pleased 4 u 🎉🎉🎉  

KISS Driving Instructor Amanda Jackson in Morden, Surrey - Yusuf

OMG Congratulations 2 Yusuf from Mitcham passing 1st Time today at Morden DTC with KISS Driving Instructor Amanda , who said "Yusuf completed a 20 hour intensive course over 4 days..and wot a drive...Just 4 minors !! I have known Yusuf since he was a tiny 1 year old, 1st meeting him when I taught his Mum 2 drive many years ago, followed by his Aunty and then his Nan. So i can safely say I've taught the whole family, and wot a pleasure its been 💕Congratulations again Yusuf, hope u all enjoy the celebrations". 🎉🎉🥳  

KISS Driving Instructor Amanda Jackson in Morden, Surrey - Jakariah

Congratulations to Jakariah from Wallington. After having his test canceled due to the 2nd Lockdown and then the DVSA rescheduling it 4th March 2021‼, we worked hard and managed to get him a test, and YES he passed with just 5 driver faults at Morden DTC. So pleased we got it done this year 🥳 Congrats again from KISS Driving Instructor Amanda and the whole team at KISS . 🎉  

KISS Driving Instructor Zahra Idtnaine in Croydon and Morden, Surrey - Kelsey

This is Kelsey who passed 1st time after taking lessons with  KISS driving instructor Zahra . A well earned congratulations from Zahra and everyone at KISS .

KISS Driving Instructor Amanda Jackson in Morden, Surrey - Arran

A big Congratulations to Arran from Worcester Park after successfully passing his test 1st time at Morden DTC. Arran took lessons with KISS driving Instructor Amanda after having a bad experience with his previous instructor from another driving school as he felt he wasn't progressing as he should. Well Amanda soon sorted his driving out and here he is with this pass certificate ! Well done Arran from everyone at KISS .